Open the power of xAPI Profiles.

LRSPipe makes the TLA accessible to everyone.

An xAPI statement forwarder governed by xAPI Profiles

LRSPipe enables the Total Learning Architecture by acting as middleware between layers of data and by governing data flow directly based on xAPI Profiles. It’s more than an xAPI statement forwarder — it’s a forwarder that is governed by xAPI Profiles.

Filtering Modes

  • Full Forwarding: All statements from the source LRS will be replicated into the target LRS.

  • Statement Template Filtering: LRSPipe is provided with the location of an xAPI Profile and will only forward statements that match the Statement Templates in the Profile. This can be made to be even more specific by providing a set of Statement Template Ids, which will cause it to only forward a subset of Statement Templates from an xAPI Profile.

  • Pattern Filtering: LRSPipe is provided with the location of an xAPI Profile and will attempt to match statements to these Patterns — validating and forwarding matching statements. Much like Statement Template Filtering, this can also be limited to a set of Pattern Ids if one is provided.

LRSPipe is open source and licensed Apache 2.0. It is available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS… and as a Docker container.

Get it now… for free.

Current Github Release:


LRSPipe is capable of forwarding thousands of statements per second and can be configured to use Redis or any file system as storage. Manage multiple forwarding jobs at once — whether from multiple sources or to multiple destinations. LRSPipe uses xAPI REST endpoints and is compatible with any conformant LRS.

Questions? Contact us.